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Text File | 1988-10-13 | 82.3 KB | 1,868 lines |
- Monday, SEPT. 5, 1988
- Vol II No. 51
- ===========
- APEInc., P.O. BOX 74, Middlesex, N.J. 08846-0074
- Ron Kovacs R.F.Mariano
- =======================================================
- ST REPORT EDITOR: Thomas Rex Reade
- PO Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida. 32236-6672
- Headquarters Bulletin Boards
- ST Report North ST Report South
- 201-343-1426 904-786-4176
- ------------------------------------
- ST Report Central ST Report West
- 216-784-0574 916-962-2566
- ========
- > From the GM'S Desk..................> TOS IN ROM A Description.........
- > BOOTSTRAP A SECOND LOOK.............> A Day at the Races-new release....
- > The Transputer......................> The Beat Goes On..................
- > Pro GEM Windows #2..................> Good Times Ahead..................
- > ST REPORT CONFIDENTIAL..............> Latest ST XFORMER NEWS............
- =========================================================================
- =========================================================================
- From the GM's Desk:
- In the past month or two, we have seen the entire scenario change three
- times as far as Atari is concerned. Of these changes Atari can be held
- directly responsible for two and therefore be given the credit for having
- made the changes.
- The Dram situation is not the fault of Atari but you can be sure they are
- not sitting still over this matter....Jack Tramiel has been in Washington
- D.C. (The Hill) attempting to "enlighten" a few of our uninformed
- legislators....GOOD LUCK TO YOU SIR!
- The other changes are sure to, in the future, be a veritable golden bonus
- to the users but for now are rather painful and aggravating to put up
- with. My hope is that both Atari and the UserBase (Us Too!) can tolerate
- the inconveniences and clumsiness closely associated with the total, in
- the field, reorganisation we are witnessing.
- The time is at hand for all parties concerned to maintain level heads and
- cool tempers ....we all are aware that an emotional statement will roll on
- for what seems to be an eternity and produce nothing but more hard
- feelings and personal attacks this must come to a screeching halt.
- We at ST Report are dedicated to forthright information without the
- pressure of any IOUs and when we see what we feel is either hurting Atari
- or it's users we will indeed make what we find known to all. The Flip
- side of the coin is treated the same way We shall report fully and
- completely all positive matter that effect either Atari and/or the
- Userbase.
- As of this issue, we will strive to point out to the readers as many of
- the positive items we can find. Some have asked; why do we reprint
- certain things we find on the major services? The answer is simple, many
- of the folks who eventually get to read ST Report have no modem...
- therefore, everything we have here is "new" to them. We are now
- opening an extended hand and asking for reader submitted articles. We
- hope to see full participation by all. Reader Submissions maybe U/Led to
- any of the services attached to E-Mail or, sent to ST Report via FNET NODE
- # 350.
- Gen'l Mgr. APEInc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- =============
- AUG/88
- TOS ROM set, configured for local keyboard and American text.
- Diskette (D/S) containing:
- RAM loadable image of TOS, same configuration as ROM
- Disk cache program "CACHExxx"
- HDX Hard Disk utility, HINSTALL and associated programs
- Product Tracking System front-end program "SPRgen"
- Release Notes for:
- CACHExxx
- HDX, HINSTALL etc (modified to 30/60MB hard disks)
- Draft User Manual for HDX, HINSTALL etc.
- User guide for Product Tracking System
- Various programs, files and tools to assist in translation
- Each subsidiary has been invited to select a small set of Beta sites,
- and has been requested to ensure that each such site accepts, in
- writing, certain terms and conditions, including:
- No copies to be made.
- Products and documentation are prerelease and without warranty
- All communications are to be made solely to the Atari
- subsidiary, and not through public channels.
- All copies and documentation to be returned to Atari
- subsidiary on demand.
- Weekly report indicating name(s) of tester(s), tests performed,
- observations to be filed with Atari subsidiary each Friday.
- Any bug reports to be first verified against the currently
- released hardware/firmware, to ensure problem is with new TOS.
- We want to know what works as well as what doesn't work. A report of
- "no problems" is worthless if it is not accompanied by an explanation
- of what testing has been performed. If a program fails, it is critical
- that it be tested with other RELEASED configurations, so that it is
- very clear whether or not the failure is attributable solely to the
- new TOS.
- In our testing we have found MANY ill-behaved programs which fail
- because they appear to access beyond the Mega 4's 4MB RAM limit. I
- believe they are accessing "just beyond" where they are supposed to,
- and it's only on the Mega 4 where they run out of physical address
- space rather than physical memory. Almost all programs which fail this
- way have been retested on the current TOS and fail in a similar way.
- This beta release is not the final one. Programs should not be
- modified to look for the date encwded in this version.
- USA. The R&D group must now address the port of TOS to revised and
- new hardware platforms, and so I would appreciate your NOT disrupting
- the development activity. We have support groups in place, and they
- MUST be your first line of support if development of new products is
- to continue at optimum speed.
- A summary of the major improvements to TOS follows:
- Floppy formatting is "more compatible" with IBM-PC format.
- A file may be moved (i.e. copy/delete) in one operation.
- File Copy/Delete/Move can be interrupted with "undo".
- GEM programs can be autobooted from disk.
- If a name conflict occurs during a file copy, Copy/Skip/Quit are
- allowed.
- A folder may be renamed via "Show Info".
- The static file allocation limit of 400 is removed; limited now
- by free memory.
- "Show/Print File" are completely rewritten.
- File copying on a single floppy system uses all available memory
- for buffers.
- "wind_update(FALSE)" is set when recovering from an application
- crash.
- All date separators are now "/".
- File Selector has had major rework:
- 16 drive buttons.
- Application can send a "title" string to FSEL.
- FSEL now takes first <RETURN> on pathname edit as end-of-edit.
- Static file allocation of 100 files is removed.
- Long pathnames and "ABORT/CONTINUE" now handled correctly.
- Preserves current DTA buffer addresses, clip rectangles and
- default directories.
- New bindings available.
- "appl_init" returns version 0130 in global(0).
- Editable fields may now be followed by non-editable characters in
- dialog boxes
- "wind_get()" with field parameter WF_SCREEN returns address/
- length of AES menu/alert buffer.
- "Ptsin" (VDI) allows 512 vertices (true since 4/22/87).
- "vqt_extent": Pixel errors on some 270 degree rotations are fixed
- "vq_mouse" reliability enhanced.
- 40-folder bug alleviated to the point of improbability. A folder
- only takes up space when "active". Limited now by depth of
- folders and the accumulated depth of open files. FOLDRxxx still
- available.
- "Malloc" restriction of 20 blocks/process lifted.
- FAT searching code for floppy and hard-disk is MUCH faster.
- Sector buffering greatly improved, and "CACHExxx" allows
- expansion.
- "Frename" can now rename a folder.
- Archive bit (0x20) fully supported.
- Time stamps for "." and ".." are now correct.
- "Fsettime/Fsetdate" match BIOS and GEMDOS values
- "Fdatime" input value byteswap fixed
- Major improvements to "Ccon*" and redirection in general
- OS Pool reduced to same size as 11/20/85 ROMs (pre Mega). This
- may allow some programs which fail on Mega ROMs to work again.
- Soft Reset available from Keyboard if using standard keyboard
- handler.
- Soft reset by CTRL/ALT/DEL.
- Cold Boot clears all available memory (CTRL/ALT/right SHFT/DEL).
- "Rsconf(-2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1) returns last baud rate value set by
- Rsconf.
- Structure of the reserved part of DTA has changed, and remains
- reserved.
- Improvements made to detection of media change.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Roy J. Good
- Product Development, Atari Corporation
- Views expressed are my own. Atari may agree or disagree; they have the
- right.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- **************************************************************************
- to the Readers
- Call any of the St Report Official BBS numbers
- (Listed at the top of ST REPORT)
- or
- Leave E-mail to St Report, Ron Kovacs or Rex Reade
- Be sure to include your full mailing address so your
- Compuserve kit can be immediately mailed to you!
- Expires 09-30-88
- **************************************************************************
- ============================
- CompuServe's Atari Forums have made very special arrangements with
- Paramount Products Inc. to offer the members of our forums the chance to
- upgrade your system to 2400 baud service at a very special price.
- For a limited time, CompuServe subscribers may purchase the
- SUPRA CORP. 2400 baud Hayes-compatible modem
- for the very **LOW** price of just $139.95 !!!!!
- These are brand new, not reconditioned units, with the full SUPRA CORP.
- warranty. The SUPRA MODEM uses the Hayes Smartmodem 'AT' command set and
- operates at 300-1200-2400 baud. It's an outboard unit (not an internal
- plug-in card) allowing ease of transfer to other computers.
- Connection is thru the standard RS-232 interface. (Just plug it into the
- back of your ATARI ST).
- To take advantage of this special offer, Phone the 800 number
- listed below or write to:
- Paramount Products Inc.
- 1405 S.E. Pacific Blvd.
- Albany, Oregon 97321
- ***** Phone orders: (800)444-4061 *****
- Price: $139.95 + shipping
- UPS ground: add $4.00
- UPS Blue label: add $8.00
- C.O.D.: add $2.25
- MasterCard or VISA accepted Orders will be shipped the next business day
- If you've been accessing CompuServe at 1200 baud, this is a great way
- to lower your total online bill since CIS does *NOT* charge a premium for
- 2400 baud access. (You can get the same amount of information or download
- the same amount of programs in approximately 1/2 the time as 1200 baud
- users!) This modem will PAY FOR ITSELF in just a few sessions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- =========================
- The Sequel
- ----------
- by M. Arthur
- After writing STSUPORT, (the original name of the essay) I realized that
- I made a few errors which, though minor, ARE serious enough to require
- a clarification.
- I am glad the article appeared in ST REPORT, however I feel this note is
- needed because ST REPORT is usually under tight scrutiny by Knowledgable
- ST Users from a wide and diversified readership. I do not wish the few
- errors in the essay criticizing Atari to become an excuse for dismissing
- it as "Atari Bashing", I would hope this clears up any errors in the
- And Now:-------
- 1) The Timex Sinclair Spectrum QL (not to be confused with the OTHER
- Timex Sinclairs) wasn't AS FAST as the ST, but was, in many areas, faster
- or equally as fast as the Amiga.
- 2) As known by most ST users, the number of colors in each resolution of
- the ST are the most possible to use while not slowing down the 68000.
- While this DOES come in handy, there ARE times when many colors
- are needed (Spectrum 512?), and when slowing down the processor chip as a
- result is NOT important. This is when the "Extended Resolutions" could be
- useful.
- For those unfamiliar with the Extended Color Resolution specs requested,
- they are: A 512 color Low Resolution, and a 16 Color Medium Resolution,
- (Like EGA?) out of a palette of 4096 colors if possible, and 16 Shade
- gray scaling for High Resolution. This would be an "Extended" Color Mode
- available as options like EXTENDED LOW, EXTENDED MEDIUM, and EXTENDED HIGH
- RESOLUTION, so the current ST Resolutions would be standard, but that ST
- Users/Developers wanting better graphics could use any Extended
- Resolution.
- This idea SHOULD be done in HARDWARE, as software solutions to problems
- like this, which usually emulate the preferred feature, like PC Ditto for
- IBM Emulation, or Spectrum 512, have been slower than if they were done
- in hardware. And NOT EVERYONE can spend 3000-4000 dollars ,has the time
- to learn UNIX or, the skill needed to make applications for Atari's 68030
- Machine to obtain superior graphics. Contrary to beliefs of a few, having
- LOTS of colors has also become a fact of life for microcomputers.
- (EGA, VGA, Mac II, Amiga for examples)
- If Atari R&D (or the Tramiels) is wary of this idea, ALL they need do is
- incorporate the Trio routines into the MMU chips and coupled with TOS
- support having 512 colors at the same time WON'T take up 80-90% of
- processor time. Which is what Atari WANTED to keep from happening to ST
- displays, wasn't it?
- 3) A quote, from BOOTSTRAPPNG ATARI:
- "There is no reason why Atari could not come out with a Mega board with
- the Motorola 68851 MMU chip providing the functions of a TRUE MMU, such as
- memory paging for virtual memory, this would make TOS support of all the
- 68000 address space easier. Perhaps selling it through DEALERS along with
- the new ROMs is a way to go. Fact is, using the MMU chip for other
- purposes, would definately be improving the ST's capabilities in the
- process." No other logical reason except that the 68000 chip cannot
- support MMUs of this type, OR hardware memory protection, making use of
- a 68851 impossible.
- But.. the 68020, which has been neglected by TOS, Does support the 68851.
- Thereby making hardware memory protection, and bomb-free multitasking,
- possible. MT C-SHELL, while a good ST multitasker, is not bomb free,
- because of the use of the 68000, and while being reliable, isn't that
- foolproof, just as Multifinder isn't. IF Atari would cause TOS to
- support the 68020 we would have true multi tasking
- Along with Mac II emulation, if the 68020 ST were to have an expansion
- card making the ST meet Mac II resolution and use a 20-25 MHZ 68020
- along with an optional hardware "box" that had 2-6 NuBus (Mac II board
- type) slots.
- 4) Another quote which isn't QUITE true:
- "the Mac II, which is..not powerful enough, except in the area of speed"
- I meant to edit this before I sent it anywhere, but it slipped by. The
- Mac II is the BEST in some areas of computing, having super graphics and
- a good design, except for it's speed, which it isn't as good. Atari's
- 68030 UNIX machine ought to be its main competition, if it doesn't become
- vapor.
- 5) The comments relating to piracy are about the ST being perceived as
- the segment of computers having the most pirates. Perhaps this is a
- very logical conclusion. When one compares the number of machines in use
- to the number of the number of pirates that have been caught. However,
- this is a deceptive impression. The amount of machines in use is in
- question, some say 225,00 others say 400,000+, we are inclined to go
- with the higher number, since certain program sales would show this figure
- to be more accurate.... Ratio and proportion would dictate that the more
- machines in use, the more pirates...True, but consider this, the more
- machines in use...the more sales recorded for new releases. This is the
- fly in the ointment; Each and every Atari ST owner could buy a copy of
- a new release and a version of it released in the IBM or MAC market would
- casually out sell it!
- COUPLED with erratic product supply and the lack of advertising, can
- anyone expect the publishers and developers for the ST market to be
- bubbling over with enthusiasm and high expectations? Just ask 'em about
- the developer's kit.
- The above comments and corrections were supplied by the Author of the
- thank him for his candor and sincere attempts for real accuracy.
- "A little caution outflanks a large cavalry"
- - Bismarck -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ======================
- Beginning September 3,1988 till October 3, 1988
- -----------------------------------------------
- ----------
- 1st PRIZE:........... 5 hours of Genie connect time non-prime time
- 2nd PRIZE:........... 3 hours of Genie connect time non-prime time
- 3rd PRIZE:........... 2 hours of Genie connect time non-prime time
- ------
- Prizes will be credited to ones account when winners are announced shortly
- after October 3,1988.
- We will be awarding 3 prizes for: The MOST files uploaded.
- Pictures and song files are excluded
- also non-functioning slideshows.
- Duplicates will not be counted.
- Advertising/and or text files are also excluded.
- Remember uploading is FREE at 300/1200/2400 baud during non-primetime.
- Get those files to us and win. Besides the prizes, sharing feels good...
- doesn't it?? <smile>
- Darlah J <Hudson> Pine
- Atari Sysop
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------
- ==================
- After three years of research and development we are proud
- to announce "A Day at the Races". It was designed and
- written by Marshall Lake and Piet Francke and is being
- distributed by TEAM Software.
- "A Day at the Races" is a simulation of the horse race
- track environment. Much more than the horse race itself,
- this simulation allows you to buy and sell horses, choose
- jockeys, and of course wager on races. Each horse and jockey
- have their own distinct attributes and abilities which affect
- the outcome of each race. Just like at a real track it is up
- to you to discern which abilities each horse and jockey
- possess and to attempt to pick the probable winner of the
- race. It is as close to the real world of horse racing as
- you can get without going to the track. The actual horse
- race itself is presented in exciting, nail-biting real time.
- Dynamic data base files are kept for the horses and the jockeys.
- All the various statistical items (including horses' past
- performances) are maintained to assist in an intelligent wager,
- horse purchase, or jockey selection. "A Day at the Races" is
- a multi or single player game.
- This simulation was designed specifically for the Atari ST
- line of microcomputers. There is nothing like it available
- for ANY other microcomputer today that we are aware of!
- Knowledge of horses or the race track is not necessary
- at all to enjoy "A Day at the Races". The simulation is
- presented in such a manner as to make it easy for all users
- to understand. Depth is combined with simplicity to create a
- real-world environment which can be enjoyed by everyone
- whether or not they are race track aficionados.
- "A Day at the Races" operates in the GEM environment, is
- entirely mouse controlled, and makes full use of the ST's
- superb graphics and sound.
- The simulation requires 512K of RAM with TOS in ROM, at
- least 1 disk drive, and a color monitor. Optional equipment
- include a second disk drive and a printer. "A Day at the
- Races" IS installable onto a hard disk drive. Using a
- printer, you may obtain hard copy output of the Racing
- Program, the Racing Form, the Cheat Sheet, various standings,
- and many other statistics that are available. You will,
- of course, be able to view these items on the screen, also.
- This program will be available by October 15, 1988.
- TEAM Software
- P. O. Box 7332
- Washington, D. C. 20044
- (703) 533-2132
- (603) 679-1211
- Please send any comments to MLAKE.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ==============
- Captured from the ST-Report area on The Source. (PARTI)
- (Atari Users Group)
- Subject - Atari's new transputer
- From: anc@camcon.uucp (Adrian Cockcroft)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.transputer,comp.sys.amiga,comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Atari/Perihelion Transputer Machine Spec
- Keywords: transputer atari workstation
- Message-ID: <986@titan.camcon.uucp>
- Date: 15 Oct 87 13:37:21 GMT
- Organization: Cambridge Consultants Ltd., Cambridge, UK
- Lines: 176
- There have been rumours about Atari and Transputers circulating so I
- thought that I had better get some hard information out there. I have no
- involvement in Perihelion, neither has my employer although I have been
- aware of events at Perihelion and know some of the people who work there.
- I do want one of their workstations however, I rate it as better than a
- SUN 3/260C+fpa for numbercrunching with a single T800.
- A presentation was given by Atari and Perihelion at the Cafe Royal in
- London on 22/9/87, over 100 software developers, hardware manufacturers
- and press people attended and no restrictions were made on the information
- presented at the meeting. I attended and this a quick summary of the notes
- I took at the meeting.
- First a benchmark reported by Inmos: Multivariate regression analysis
- IBM PC 45 minutes
- T800 18 seconds
- T800 x 4 7 seconds
- Inmos also had a T800 powered multiuser flight simulator that kept 4
- people at a time happy shooting each other down. 4 T800's per user plus a
- T4 graphics card and a load of T2's handling the joysticks.
- All in an ITEM box together. The graphics animation was VERY smooth, far
- better than a SUN3/260C+fpa+gpone flight simulator I have played with.
- Atari and Perihelion have got together so that Perihelion are designing
- the hardware and the software for a high performance workstation to be
- manufactured and sold by Atari.
- Perihelion Hardware
- -------------------
- Perihelion is headed by Jack Lang in Cambridge, England.
- Stage 1 Hardware is a Mega ST add-on system intended for software
- developers.
- Stage 2 Hardware is a compatible single box workstation.
- The Mega ST is a front end I/O processor only. The block diagram looks like:
- --------- -------------
- |blitter| | 4 Mb DRAM |
- ----------- --------------- --------- --------- -------------
- | Mega ST | | Interface | |T800-20| | |
- | kbd I/O |---| Link Adaptor|----| |--------------------
- | mouse | | SCSI disk | | | | |
- | floppy | --------------- --------- ----------- ----------
- ----------- | | | | |1 Mb VRAM| |Graphics|
- 4Mb/s|SCSI | | | ----------- ----------
- ---------- 3 ECL buffered
- | 40 Mb | 20 MHz links
- | Winch |
- ----------
- The box takes up to 16 Mb on the motherboard (using 4Mbit DRAMS) and has
- three expansion slots which can take either 4Mb (1Mbit) or 16Mb (4Mbit) of
- DRAM each for a total in the box of 64 Mb. The expansion slots use a single
- DIN plug (VME-type) and the 3 ECL buffered links go onto them so that a
- slot can contain a board with more transputers on it. Size is enough for
- four T800s + 1 Mb each per card. Graphics cards can also be used to replace
- the built-in hardware.
- The Blitter 2D fills at 128 Mpixels/sec, 2D block copy at 16 Mpixels/sec.
- (It has a novel architecture based on work by Phil Willis at Bath
- University).
- Graphics modes:
- 1280 * 960 * 4 bpp
- 1024 * 768 * 8 bpp
- 640 * 480 * 8 bpp 2 screens for animation
- 512 * 480 * 32 bpp true colour + overlay and tag bits
- 60 Hz, not sure about interlace.
- Probably uses Inmos G170 CLUT giving 256K colour shades.
- SCSI disk uses true DMA synchronous SCSI interface to get 4Mbytes/s, 40Mb
- is minimum size.
- A photo of a completed motherboard in box was shown, smaller than an IBM
- PC box with 3 fair sized slots.
- Perihelion Software
- -------------------
- This is based in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England and is headed by Tim
- King ex of Metacomco, Amigados fame.
- Operating system called Helios written in C to support single processor
- workstations, 4 processor workstations, 1000 processor farms or anything
- in between.
- Helios is distributed, multiprocessor, multiuser, sympathetic to the
- Transputer and familiar to Unix users. Tim King has listened to the
- criticism of Amigados and has avoided a lot of the complaints about that
- system.
- It is based on message passing with transparent passing across processors,
- it uses a client/server model, has per-processor protection and capability
- based access.
- Networking and diskless workstations will be supported via the 3 ECL
- buffered links with no extra hardware.
- Applications can be written in 3 modes, the traditional single threaded
- program, unix-like multiple processes at a coarse grain level or parallel
- algorithms using a medium grain level. Existing TOS/GEM applications can
- run on the Mega ST front end processor.
- User Interface
- --------------
- X-11 window system standard.
- GEM - translating GEM traps on the 68K i/o proc to the T800.
- GEM running under X-11 may be provided.
- Standard unix like shell command line interface.
- Compatibility
- -------------
- MSDOS floppy disk format
- UNIX(TM) hard disk format
- UNIX(TM) compatible C library
- UNIX(TM) command subset
- Languages
- ---------
- C Pascal Lisp
- Fortran BCPL Occam
- Development Tools
- -----------------
- Hosted on ST or Unix(TM) or MSDOS or native
- Asm/link
- C
- Debugger
- Atari's Position
- ----------------
- They are looking for wider markets and will go upmarket into workstation
- technology. The hardware design will be Atari's property but Helios is
- already spreading wider, another 4 companies are likely to use it so far.
- It will be launched at COMDEX as a Mega ST add-on for developers.
- Development systems available in Dec 87/Jan 88. The standalone system will
- be launched at Hannover in March 88. Product in the shops in June 88 in
- the UK. Product in Europe 6 months later and US launch June 89, giving a
- years head start to the UK software developers and a chance for the machine
- to gather some applications software before it hits the US.
- Priced well below Mac II,base level entry price (no winchester or monitor)
- aimed at 1000 pounds according to Jack Lang.
- For now they will provide a set of 3 manuals, User Manual, Developers
- Manual and Technical Manual for 50 pounds, you then become a registered
- developer and get a priority place in the queue for developers hardware
- in December.
- Apply for more information to: Perihelion Software Limited
- 24 Brewmaster Buildings
- Charlton Trading Estate
- Shepton Mallet
- Somerset BA4 5QE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------
- ========================================
- NOVEMBER 06, 1988.
- This is CANADAS first and only Atari user convention this year. This
- convention is staged and sponsored by "THE TORONTO ATARI FEDERATION"
- user group. This group maintains 500 members both in the TORONTO/ONTARIO
- CANADA area and across the country as well as having associate members
- from around the world. We have a 40 mb 24hr BBS 416-235-0318 available.
- It has everything anyone would require when using ATARI SYSTEMS. If
- anyone wants more info on the computer show leave a message on the board
- and we will be in touch. If this is not convenient contact the people
- listed below.
- This unique computer show is dedicated exclusively to ATARI
- COMPUTER SYSTEMS.This exciting new event promises to be jam packed with
- information, demonstrations, lectures and hands on work shops. One of the
- main exhibitors will be Atari Canada, showing off all the latest software
- as well as its new and innovative products. That's not all, there will be
- lots of retailers selling their wares as Special Low Convention prices,
- hardware and software manufacturers displaying their latest products, user
- groups demonstrating Atari products and selling their PD software disks,
- lectures by knowledgeable speakers, seminars by prominent developers and
- even hands-on workshops where the registered participants can actually
- work on projects under the guidance of an expert. There will be something
- for everyone. From multi-player adventure games on the 8-bit to business
- applications for the Atari IBM clones. So, if you are an Atari owner, or
- plan to be one or just looking for information, this is the place you
- will want to be.
- TRIUMPH HOTEL located just off highway 401 on Keele Street.
- NOVEMBER 6TH, 1988 from 10:00am to 6:00pm.
- (Special hotel rates available) Phone:1-800-268-1332.
- For more information contact:
- PRESS: (Mike Searl) ..........416/245-5543
- EXHIBITORS: (Jim Jorritsma)...416/242-3413
- PUBLIC INFO LINE..............416/425-5357
- TAF ONLINE BBS (24hr).........416/235-0318
- or, Call: Jim Clark, President, Toronto Atari Federation 416/928-1143
- For more information send all inquiries to:
- Computer Show
- 5334 Yonge ST.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ================
- The following is from one of the major online services, we felt it held
- enough significance to be reprinted here. The staff of ST Report is
- withholding comment on the following matters.
- 31-AUG 06:55 General Information
- RE: Mega/Federated (Re: Msg 6064)
- The service idea for Federated is to start with service on a district
- basis (covering up to 8 stores) and adding more facilities as volume
- warrants.
- Because the stores within a district are close enough together, turnaround
- will still be minimal -- trucks will be going between the stores daily.
- This is precisely how the existing regional chains do their service. We
- can't expect a chain of stores to make the capital investment in a full
- repair facility for each location right up front.
- As far as outside sales goes, that, too, is in the works for Federated.
- And from what I have seen, it is likely that the sales efforts from
- Federated could be more serious than the lip service some dealers pay to
- outside sales.
- Lloyd, getting off the specifics to the general -- the reason we tend to
- ignore posts like your diatribe (and lately that's what you have been
- leaving) is because, no matter what move Atari makes, it causes a storm of
- criticism. You would think that based on the critics, all was fine with
- the ST market two years back and all the moves since then have been
- causing the problems. From where I sit, the market was going in the wrong
- direction then, and efforts have been made (and are continuing to be made)
- to establish the ST.
- Furthermore, these efforts are being undermined by a group of people who
- take perverse pleasure in tearing down what we are trying to build up.
- Lloyd, you are not even active on CIS, so I doubt you were included in the
- "gang" label. Why are you so anxious to join the club? Is it a badge of
- honor?
- People seem to think we have no plans for future machines. That could not
- be farther from the truth. There are some good moves being made up in
- engineering. Good people have been brought in to get the work done. But
- the user community doesn't seem to want to give them a chance. It is a
- terrible situation to be in. The reaction here in Sunnyvale is to pull
- away from the online areas and from the community in general, because all
- we get is abuse which we cannot counter because we cannot reveal our new
- products prematurely.
- From my personal perspective, I am still fighting. Much of the user
- support and communications efforts in the last few years have been my
- doing. For a while, it looked like there was going to be a close
- relationship between Atari and the users. Now, it looks bleak for that
- prospect.
- Back to the marketplace. "Rex" seems to think mail order is the answer.
- Lloyd likes the dealers. From inside the company, we feel very strongly
- that dealers are the answer, from solid evidence that sales dropped
- steadily as the product moved into mail order. We have made moves to
- cement relationships with dealers, which many dealers have appreciated and
- reacted to favorably.
- As to Federated, well, it is certainly a bit of a mess that needs to be
- fixed. But in the few weeks I have been involved with it, I see a lot of
- potential. At the very least, it brings the focus here much much closer
- to the "front lines" of the marketplace, where lessons can be learned that
- will profoundly influence the future direction of the company.
- Furthermore, there is good potential to develop a group of full-service
- stores catering to the entire Atari line (and more, of course). 8-bit
- sales through Federated have been strong, and we're looking at expanding
- that line. What other dealer could have brought that off?
- To reiterate the main point from above, every time we make a move there is
- a storm of criticism, much of it from out of left field. Only time will
- tell, and if those of us here who are actually fighting the war can stick
- it out despite all this, I think the outcome will be what we all want -- a
- robust, thriving line of quality, inexpensive computers.
- --->Neil
- 31-AUG 06:59 General Information
- RE: The Future of TOS
- Without getting specific in any way, here is a message for everyone:
- TOS has a future.
- This information comes after chats with the engineers to find out what
- they're up to, and with top management here to determine our own level of
- commitment.
- TOS has a future.
- --->Neil
- 31-AUG 21:57 General Information
- RE: Mega/Federated (Re: Msg 6100)
- Neil,
- I want to thank you for your reply, it was appreciated. And no, I'm
- not really interested in being 'one of the gang of five', but I was told
- that I had been included as one of the 'gang'. And I don't feel that I
- 'bash'.
- When you guys do something right, I tell you so. But when *I feel* that
- you are doing something wrong, I'm going to tell you that also. Now let
- me give you my side..........
- 1) I don't really care about mail-order. I think you could allow
- mail-order stores to carry the 520 but it's not that important to me one
- way or the other.
- 2) I find that Atari seems to have two sets of rules..one for the
- independent stores and another for Federated. Why were the independent
- dealers *required* to be service centers but not the Federated stores? My
- local dealer was told (and I think he has it in writing) that NO stores
- locally would be allowed to carry the Mega/Laser unless they had a
- complete service center. But you don't enforce that rule when it comes to
- Federated.
- 3) I understand about district servicing....but couldn't the
- independents have been allowed the same thing? Two or three local stores
- would have liked to have carried the Mega/Laser but couldn't because they